From the teaching An Overview of YeHoVaH's Holy Days
Greetings everyone! The biblical New Year is nearing the corner which kicks off the new cycle of the annual feasts. This year marks our 5th year observing the feasts and my family and I are looking forward to new ways of honoring YeHoVaH's set apart days. Through the years, as our understanding grows and we move closer to Father, we desire to make all of the moedim special in our hearts. If I think about it, I've given up holidays that I thought were important to me, but even though I exchanged them for the Holy days of YeHoVaH, it's been a process to embrace them. I often asked, "what are we supposed to do?" I can read what's in Scripture, but some decrees don't pertain to me. How do I fill in the blanks? What I learned was that it's not about applying an external template that mimics how the world celebrates their holidays to the Feasts of YeHoVaH. It's about following His instructions as best as we can, making sure to have a holy convocation that's designed to uplift each other and give glory to our Creator.
In this teaching Juliet gives a basic run down on the feast days that run from the spring through the fall. The annual cycle of YeHoVaH's feasts begins with Passover and is followed by Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Feast of Weeks, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles, and the Last Great Day. The first mention of these feasts listed in calendar format occurs in Leviticus 23. There, you can find all of the annual feasts listed in order and their respective ordinances. As we read in Leviticus 23:2, we can see that these feast days are YeHoVaH's feats and not Jewish feasts, as they are erroneously referred to. Now that we've established that, we can rest assured that Father's feasts are for His people, no matter what our heritage is.
During the annual Feast season, many opportunities arise for the Saints to disagree over the commencement of the feast days. There are many calendars that exist and this can cause clashes amongst people that may lead to deep division. As long as we use His word and seek His counsel to dictate our actions, what more can we ask for? The take away here is to get in the Scriptures and apply it as opposed to the imagination of men.
In the last weeks remaining in this biblical year, it's time to gear up to receive the new year with recognition and expectation. Personally, I have desired to learn more about Father's calendar and I plan on making it a priority to grow more in knowledge regarding Father's time. If you are new to this walk or if you've been lacking in knowledge in this area, it's never too late to pick up the book and gain a deeper understanding. A strong motivation for me is to make it fun for my son so that he can learn while enjoying the uniqueness of each occasion. The second motivation is to be able to teach someone else. This is an area that new believers are almost immediately exposed to once they have accepted the truth of Torah so it's important that we understand YeHoVaH's calendar. As the new year approaches, we need to make sure that we guard the month of the aviv (Deuteronomy 16:1) and prepare ourselves for His set apart days whether they're weekly or yearly. As we guard the aviv (ear; green ears), let's also make sure that we are guarding our hearts; our green ears. Remember that we've been delivered to serve the Most High in consecration and holiness. Let's take that forth in everything we do.
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