The Unchanging Word: Understanding the Scriptures and Avoiding Misinterpretation

The Unchanging Word: Understanding the Scriptures and Avoiding Misinterpretation

October 23, 2023

The admonition from the Father to not add to or diminish from His words is a fundamental principle at the heart of our understanding of the Scriptures. These words, compiled in what we know today as 'The Holy Bible,' serve as a guide to life and truth. To add or subtract from them is to risk not keeping the commandments of the Lord, and, in turn, our very lives. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of preserving the integrity of the Scriptures and avoiding falling into the trap of eisegesis – interpreting the text to fit preconceived notions. Let's delve deeper into this vital subject.

The Commandments of the LORD

In Deuteronomy 4:1, we find the explicit commandment to not add or diminish from the word of the YeHoVaH. The people were instructed to hearken to the statutes and judgments to live and inherit the promised land. Those who cleaved to the LORD remained alive, while those who followed other gods perished. This passage underscores the importance of keeping the commandments as they are. It serves as a historical lesson, highlighting the tangible impact of adhering to or straying from the divine instructions.

The Purpose of Scriptures

For too long, the Scriptures have been misused to promote eisegetical interpretations that deviate from the path of life. The Scriptures are the source of light, and those who receive the word receive life and light. It's essential to avoid falling into darkness by engaging in debates that deviate from the truth and, in some cases, lead to heinous crimes committed under the guise of religion. 

The Purpose of John's Gospel

John 20:30-31 reveals that the purpose of John's Gospel is to affirm Yeshua as the Messiah, the Son of God. Belief in Him leads to life. Using John's Gospel to affirm doctrines not found in the text would be a misappropriation, as it undermines the Gospel's core purpose. This passage establishes the clear intent of John's Gospel, which is to validate the identity of Yeshua as the Messiah and the Son of God. Attempting to utilize it for other purposes dilutes its primary message and potentially distorts its intended impact.

Understanding Gospel Records

To understand the Gospel records, we must consider their purpose. John's Gospel's purpose is to affirm Yeshua as the Messiah, the Son of God. Using it to support doctrines foreign to its core purpose leads to the loss of life and light in one's faith.

The Eternal Word

John 1:1-4 emphasizes the eternal nature of the Word, which was with God in the beginning. In Him was life, and that life was the light of humanity. This highlights the Word's divine and timeless attributes. This passage explores the profound concept of the eternal nature of the Word, shedding light on the transcendent qualities of divine revelation. It underscores that the Word is not confined by time or human limitations, emphasizing its enduring significance.

Debates and Division

The misinterpretation of Scripture has led to endless debates, resulting in division and strife within the body of Messiah. These debates often center on questions about Yeshua's nature. However, these discussions yield no merit when based on errors, leading us further away from the truth. 

The Origins of Trinitarian Doctrine

The Trinitarian doctrine has its roots in the 3rd and 4th centuries. The Nicene Council, under Emperor Constantine, endorsed a minority view, and the church officially supported this belief. The origins of this doctrine can be traced back to historical events beyond the Scriptures' original intent. 

Early Defenders of the Trinity

Tertullian, an early church father, was one of the first to define the Trinity as comprising the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. However, his views were not universally accepted, and many believers of his time found issues with this emerging doctrine.

The Danger of Eisegetical Debates

Debates and doctrines surrounding the Trinity emerged from the 3rd and 4th centuries, veering away from the Scriptures' original message. Drawing conclusions beyond what is written constitutes adding and diminishing from the word, which can lead to misunderstandings and division within the faith.

The Eternal Nature of God & The Word Made Flesh

The Scriptures affirm that before creation, there was YeHoVaH, from everlasting to everlasting. God was there before the physical world came into existence. John's Gospel emphasizes the eternal existence of the Word, who became flesh. This Word, present from the beginning, played a role in the creation of all things. It signifies that Yeshua's goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.

Yeshua's Role in Creation

Colossians 1:15-17 affirms that all things were created by Yeshua, the firstborn of every creature. This underscores the Word's role in creation, confirming the connection between the Word, Yeshua, and God.

The Living Word

The Scriptures teach that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the YeHoVaH. Debating matters beyond what is explicitly written risks distorting the message of the Scriptures. Let us dwell in unity and mature as one new man, remaining faithful to the Word.

The unchanging Word of God is the source of life and light, and preserving its integrity is of utmost importance. Let us remain faithful to the Scriptures and avoid engaging in debates and doctrines that stray from their original purpose. In unity, we can better understand the everlasting nature of God and the Word made flesh, reaffirming our commitment to the unchanging truth.

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