From the teaching Pride, Prejudice & The Gospel: The Patriarchs 2
Gree-tings, gree-tings! Greetings in the name of Yeshua! That has become one of my favorite tunes that we sing around my house. When I think about how we greet each other in Yeshua's name, it means that we represent Him. I'm speaking for Him and carrying out responsibilities on His behalf, so it's important that I embody the life that He came to bring. Personifying the life that He came to bring to all those who both believe and do is a requirement for all of YeHoVaH's sons and daughters. Reflecting back on our time at the Dedication Service for HOI Charlotte's new headquarters, I was reminded of the interaction I witnessed of YeHoVaH's people. I understand that everyone doesn't share the exact same understandings in any congregation and that it can be challenging for people of different cultures, beliefs, genders, etc., to unite, but that is what I witnessed. People from different cultures and different colors united in love for the Father and the desire to walk holy. We all have to release the life that we live in the flesh and exchange it for a life lived by His Spirit.
I grew up going to church until I graduated high school and when I look back over the different churches and denominations we went to, for the most part they were segregated. I believe we went to one church, a Church of Christ, that had white people in attendance. Every other church we attended was black and while there was no doctrine being taught, to my knowledge, about how blacks were God's chosen people, there was negligible diversity. That was not the case at HOI London or HOI Charlotte and that's how it should be. If we live in diverse areas, why are the places of worship segregated? Understanding the dynamic of "race" relations is a real challenge, but when we come into covenant with YeHoVaH, we have to let Him heal our hurts and renew our minds. When we don't allow that healing, the fallacies that Pastor Marcus has been detailing over the last several weeks become standard guidelines of operation.
When we vet these doctrines based on "race" using Scripture, we see that they cannot stand. The Gospel that was to be sent forth by the disciples of Yeshua was also preached to Abraham, proclaiming that all nations would be blessed through his seed (Galatians 3:8). I have not read anywhere in the Bible that gave preference to anyone based on the color of their skin, but some people will try to conjure up such theories through elaborate word studies and historical research undertakings. The "race based" doctrines designed to identify who is authentically Hebrew or Jewish are flawed based on Scripture even though Scripture is one of the tools used to justify them. I've heard the doctrines of black and brown people comprising the true Hebrew people, how Abraham was the first Jew, and other related things. I also understand that many groups labeled Black Hebrew Israelites and Jews are umbrella terms comprising different sects with a myriad of different teachings and I have no desire to learn their doctrines so I can devise a plan to refute them. No, I'll let Father's love and power speak for its self!
Pastor Marcus points out during this series that the term Hebrew derives from a grandson of Shem named Eber. Also how can Abraham be Jewish when that term refers to the descendants of his grandson Judah? Judah does not predate Abraham and that's clear in Scripture so what is all this devised confusion or paltering about? Whenever human beings obsess over blood lines, it serves a very carnal purpose. We are trying to lay claim to something; we are trying to assert authority over others to take what rightfully belongs to us. Well you want to know what belongs to you? A swim in the lake of fire if you don't operate by the Spirit of the Most High! Without Him, no matter how nice we believe we are, we are deceived by the wickedness and selfishness in our own hearts. Our bloodline provides no salvation for us unless we adopt Yeshua's. Racial homogeny is NOT a characteristic of the Commonwealth of Israel. What IS a characteristic is those from all nations and tongues that have repented, follow the Messiah and keep the commandments of the Most High just like Messiah did. I'm not going to pretend that the challenges that many people have faced in this world do not hurt and scar, but we HAVE to be made into the image of Messiah. We cannot bring our flesh with us on this journey because if we do, we're deceiving ourselves. Do we really think Father is going to say, "Good job, you successfully argued how you are a bona fide Jew or Hebrew!"? He's concerned with how much you crucified this wicked flesh and allowed Him to operate in your life so that His will advanced because of your obedience. All these "race" based gospels are not preoccupied with the things of the Creator, but with human greed and pride. We don't want to stand before the throne of judgment only to hear Messiah say, "And who are you, because I don't know you?" Only invited guests go into His house and we can un-invite ourselves by disobeying His and following our own or some other person's path. It's time to get on God's/YeHoVaH's side of things because that's all that matters.
As usual, you are right on point. There is only one race; the human race. I am reminded of a scripture that teaches that God looks on the heart, but people judge by appearances. I always read and appreciate your blogs, Sister. Even if I don’t always comment.
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March 16, 2018
You’re right Norfleet, God does look on the heart and it’s sad that some won’t follow that example. I always appreciate your comments and I’m so happy that Father is bring this word to His people. Be blessed in Yeshua Brother!